Breakfast Pizza

Craving pizza for breakfast? This is the ultimate breakfast pizza, made with savory bacon and two kinds of cheese. This Breakfast Pizza starts with the standard pie but adds American staples such as eggs, bacon, and sausage.



  • 1 28-ounce can San Marzano DOP tomatoes
  • 1 bunch basil, divided *optional*
  • Salt to taste,
  • Chili flake, to taste
  • 3 strips bacon, diced
  • ½ cup breakfast sausage
  • 1 16-ounce pizza dough
  • 1 mozzarella log (about 8 ounces)
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 parmesan chunk


  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees an hour before preparing the pizza.
  2. Prepare pizza sauce: For the pizza sauce, puree tomatoes, half of the bunch of basi (if using)l, salt, and chili flakes in a standing blender or food processor until smooth. Leave it aside.
  3. Cook Bacon and Sausage: In a skillet, cook diced bacon over medium-high heat until fat is released. Cook bacon in its fat until it begins to crisp around the edges, drain off the grease and transfer the cooked bacon to a bowl. Place sausage in the same pan and cook over medium heat, breaking up with a spoon as it cooks. When cooked through, strain off the fat into a bowl. Set aside by stovetop.
  4. Sprinkle flour over a clean counter surface. Roll the dough into a circle, then transfer it to a pizza stone or baking tray.
  5. Assemble the pizza: Spread tomato sauce over pizza dough. Ensure the tomato sauce is evenly distributed from edge to edge, leaving 1/4 inch uncovered for the crust—spread fresh mozzarella over the sauce. Add crumbled sausage and bacon on top.
  6. Bake: Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 450 degrees for 7-11 minutes until the cheese starts melting and the crust turns golden.
  7. Prepare the eggs: While your pizza is in the oven, fry two eggs sunny-side up. In a nonstick pan, heat oil and add eggs. Cook the eggs until their whites are opaque, but the yolks are still soft and runny.
  8. Serve Pizza: Place pizza on a serving platter and top with eggs and basil. Grate parmesan over the entire dish. Serve warm.